Saturday, May 21

Sagrada Familia (16/5/11)

The one place that I truly want to go and a must see is Sagrada Familia.

Sagrada Familia is a Roman Catholic Church designed by Antoni Gaudi. The construction started of in 1882. Even though he passed away, the construction still continues by his followers to make his astonishing design into a truly breathtaking Sagrada Familia. Up until now, it's still under construction. This magnificent building will be done by 2030.

As you can see, it is still continuous construction of this building.

But it you look closer, every single detail of it is truly magnificent.

I was waiting in queue and luckily it wasn't a long one as I waited for about 20 minutes to get into Sagrada Familia. For me, as a student, cost about 10 euros per entry. Add 2.50 euro if you want to take the lift to go up to see the whole view of Barcelona from the top of Sagrada Familia. Did not take the extra 2.50 euro for that. I just took the regular student price ticket to enter the Sagrada Familia.

A word of advice which was given to me from my friend: If you want to take good pictures of the Sagrada Familia from the outside, it is best to come earlier (let's say 7 - 8am). Why? Because if you come late tourist buses will come and the buses might block the view of Sagrada Familia. Hence, you will not take good pictures. Another reason is that once the sun rises in the early morning, it is truly a good opportunity to take Sagrada Familia which is truly breathtaking.

Anyway, once I finally got inside Sagrada Familia, I had a look at the entrance of Sagrada Familia.

As I got inside Sagrada Familia, you know what is my impression when I see it? It was like my eyes and mouth were wide open. In my mind, it was "Ohmigod"!!!! The art and architecture of the inside is really (I mean REALLY) magnificent.

Before my very eyes, what I can see on how Gaudi has inspiration through his childhood times. He used to stayed in a village where there is a lot of nature around him. Therefore, through his inspiration and intelligence, he created the interior which created something as if we are in a wonderland (eg. the columns are like the forest trees, making shapes like we are sailing through the sea). Anything that makes out from imagination. Even variety of materials like ceramic, glass, wood etc are used for building Sagrada Familia.

Went to the other outside of Sagrada Familia. That one is even more detailed.

Throughout my visits to churches and cathedrals, this is the best one that I see. Not to forget, this is my favorite place to visit. I don't mind visiting again for the 2nd time including taking the lift to go to the top of Sagrada Familia. Or even better, once Sagrada Familia is completed, I will visit again. I started to fell in love with Gaudi because of his work and designs.

I'll end this post with a quote by Gaudi himself.

More about Gaudi's other extraordinary works coming soon.

-lu yin-