Monday, May 2


This is story of the Blue Macaw bird, Blu. When young, he was caught by some baddies. When he reached Minnesota, he was found by Linda. Then, they became best friends forever kind of scenario. About 15 years later, Linda owns a bookshop.

Suddenly, this wacky professor came out of no where and ask Linda to come along to Brazil. He actually want to make Blu mate with Jewel, the female Blue Macaw.

Isn't that sweet?

They caught by the baddies and also met with the evil bird, Nigel.

Basically, Blu and Jewel just have to escape the baddies, with the help of their friends, and go back to where they came from. Like Blu wants to be with Linda. The only problem is that Blu can't fly. Along the way, Blu and Jewel relationship becomes even more better.

For this movie, it's like you're regular Disney movie which is the good guys win and the bad guys lose. Friendship and romance are in this movie. The part which I like about is Raphael, the toucan, saying "It matters what's in here (heart)". To me, it means whatever you aim for is come from the passion and commitment you want to achieve. This movie gives a few pointers about the "moral" of the story.

There are quite some good plots in the movie. I love the songs which are sang by the two birds.

Really addictive songs.

Overall, this movie deserves a 8/10.

By the way, there is the Angry Birds Rio version. I played a few levels of this game before with my aunt's iPad. Yet again, it is truly addictive. When I get my hands on a new phone, I'm really going to get that game. Really badly want that game.

-lu yin-