Wednesday, April 27

The Red Riding Hood

When we were little kids, we were told nice fairy tales such as the prince save the princess from evil person.
The old version of The Red Riding Hood which we used to hear is that the cute little girl with the red cape went to visit her grandmother. As she merrily walk through the woods, the wolf is already at her grandma's house and eat her up. Then, dress up as the grandma. The girl reaches grandma house and say something like "Grandma, what big eyes you have." etc. Till then, she found it's the werewolf and not grandma. In the end, she is saved by the huntsman.

Yup, the old fairy tale that we used to hear when we were kids.

For this movie, this fairy tales turn into a little bit interesting. Think something like the modern Alice in Wonderland movie with some twist to it.

This modern version of Red Riding Hood is created by the team who used to make films like Alice in Wonderland and Twilight.

It's basically this girl, Valerie, lives in a village. In love with Peter for like 10 years. The village scared of the werewolf. Hunts down the werewolf. And from there secrets come about including Valerie herself.

Throughout movie, it totally reminds me of Twilight version. From panning the camera of the snowy mountains and dark forest to the bigger werewolves. Compare these two and you'll see that there are some similarities like this.

I would say in terms of plot and dialogue, it's quite good actually. There is a flow and there is no confusion while I was watching movie such as pulling me into finding out who on earth is the werewolf. They have made a movie which is dark and mysterious but at the same time the love between Peter and Valerie which makes us think that when will they ever get together and forever.

Enough spoilers. Go and see for yourself if you are into something like Twilight or something mysterious like this one.

Again, this year, fairy tales in movies, like this one, has taken the next stage of making them not only modern but also some elements which would excite audiences.

Rating? I would give 7/10.

-lu yin-