Tuesday, April 20

Feels Good to Be Outside Doing Things

Been here at Starbucks, Alpha Angle for a long long long time in the afternoon.

There's the assignments and plans to deal with.

There's the forum contribution that I have to do almost daily.

There's applications and resumes for Masters need to settle.

There's entertainment: Facebook and Twitter (to kill my boredom)

There's the new Expresso and Cream Frappuccino to keep me awake.

There's Earl Gray Tea to quench my thirst.

There's good music to listen to while being here in Starbucks.

There's good WiFi connection. (*weee~)

There's a few rounds of going to toilet.

And so much more.

Well, it feels good to be out of the house doing your own things to settle instead of staying at home until being bored to death.

I should do that more often.

-lu yin-

*seriously need to download loads of movies for assignments @ @