On the Other Side
Sunday, June 21
Activities During Acad R Orientation
No grandmother story. Just the pictures(finally got it) to explain the whole thing during the Acad R Orientation.
Uncle say some encouragement.
Yew Leong and Jolynn as emcees
Yee Wen and Xiao Thong in charge of the Ice Breaking
Finding group members during the Ice Breaking
Group photos
Dancing performance...Chuan Yi geng XD
Playing games
Forum session where seniors share their experiences in Acad R
Giving encouragement
Preparing on giving out newsletter
Modeling on the Acad R T-shirt XD
Wai Pek say something before ending the Orientation
We R Family
Xiao Wei with Acad P people
Makan cake
After that, our gang went to Jln Ipoh eat dim sum for supper
Chee Keong pouring tea
Funny lah...smoke come out from Xiu's head
She look like smoking XD
The End
-lu yin-
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