I was at PJ having an early birthday celebration with my family. Han and Hong Seng couldn't make it. Hong Seng working while Han is at NS. Receive a few gifts. Well it's the heart that counts right?
Got delicious and scrumptuous food. Hahaha. The list.
2) Mashed Potatoes
3) Cheesecake
4) Turkey and Sauce (Ya I know turkey again on special occasions XD)
5) Fried Beehoon
6) Garlic Bread
7) Coleslaw aka Cabbage Salad
8) ABC Soup
9) Fruits
10) Crisps
11) Mixed Boiled Vegetables
12) Boiled Potatoes
The food.....~ XD
Eat eat eat until so full. ^ ^""
The main thing. The cake. Homemade Blueberry Cheesecake made by my godmother. Hehe. Thanks. Arigato. ^ ^
Thanks for everything to make this happen especially my parents and godparents.
-lu yin-