Tuesday, July 13

Beatles Day Concert (10/7/10)

Last Saturday, I attend my very first concert in Liverpool with my gang. It's a charitable concert. Beatles Day is not like a birthday or someone pass away. It's actually kind of like a remembrance day to celebrate The Beatles who is popular. My parents like the songs. I also like the songs. Even up till now, The Beatles song are still the best. Also, I love the younger Paul McCartney. And yeah, I got "The Beatles" fever that day. XD

Took pictures before going in. Including some of us wearing the "Mop Top" wig. Hehe

Emilio wearing the "Mop Top" wig.

Daniel looks like Rock Lee from Naruto. XD

Some artists and bands perform my favorite songs like "Come Together", "In My Life", "Get Back", "Eight Days a Week", "Yesterday", "Imagine", "Twist and Shout", "Hey Jude" and many more.

The Sergeant Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band

Forgot what version is The Beatles but the look alike Paul McCartney...looks handsome with the outfit.

Got the Ukulele Band performing the songs. Wow.

Including a group of kids and lookalike John Lennon singing "Imagine" which almost let my tears fell down.

At the end, we all sang "Hey Jude" and "Twist and Shout" which we got off from the seats and dance and sing along with the rest of the crowd who attend this memorable concert.

It's truly an awesome night.

I download my favorite Beatles song which I played the whole playlist like a few times a day. ^ ^

Thank you very much to Brian and Daniel for the photos. ^ ^

-lu yin-