Wednesday, April 29

Internship is Over

I finish my internship already.

Just wanna say something.

I wanna thank Elbrine, my supervisor, for guiding me especially Jet they all throughout this whole internship. Although my Chinese is like ok ok, but at least got some communication. Even had lunch together. Sometimes you tell me something that I shouldn't do, I understand and discipline me to become a better person. I really learn a lot during these 3 months. You are leaving the same time as me. Hope you have a better future and best of luck to you.

I also wanna thank my boss and Lisa for giving us some guidance while running events. Although you are busy with clients, but you still guide us along the way. Even planning before starting off the events. The strategys and understanding the audience and customers.

Thank you Da Wei for the laughter that you make us laugh.

Ah Fu, although you disturb me when I'm working (you want my attention), you are still cute, big and adorable.

Hope we could keep in contact.

Anyway, thanks and I really learn a lot during this internship.

-lu yin-