After the roadshow, I asked Elbrine (my supervisor) whether I can leave early because I gotta be back home for Xiao Thong's farewell. She said is ok which is a good thing. Well, next time I don't wanna keep asking to leave early and because it's kindda rude or either take advantage that kind of thing.
Anyway, when I got back home, did chanting for 30 minutes with my housemates. Then, some of us including me have to prepare food for the steamboat. Hahaha. Tom Yam and Chicken Soup (Tom Yam, Yeah!!!) Finally, are prepared de!!! Lolz
First time got carrot for steamboat XD
A lot of fishball and meatball food XD
Group Photos ~
Clockwise: Khai Wei(white) - Eric - Yee Wen - Wee Leng - Xiao Thong - Xiao Wei
Hungry! XD
Hold bowl and wait for food XD
Seriously hungry XD
Yeah!!! Steamboat food!!
Us enjoying our dinner. XD
Xiao Thong - Wee Leng - Eric
Xiao Wei - Yee Wen - Xiao Thong
Eric - Khai Wei
Sprite Cincau made by Khai Wei. Nice oh. XD
Eat so full until I couldn't eat another bite. The food is great. Hoishi!!! Well, I wish Xiao Thong reach Australia safely and face through things over there. Gambateh. =)
-lu yin-