Thursday, July 7

Worldwide KPOP Day

I just got to know that there's going to be a Worldwide KPOP Day. It's on the 13th August 2011. The whole wide world will be celebrating this special day.

Spread your love for KPOP by:
- Play KPOP through TV, Laptop, MP3, and Computer.
- Post nothing but KPOP on your personal website.
- Organize flashmobs and perform KPOP songs and dances. Then, load the videos to YouTube and tag "Worldwide KPOP Day".
- Have "Worldwide KPOP Day" trending in Twitter as days goes by until the actual day.
- Blaze KPOP songs in your cars with windows down. Take picture of peoples' reactions of others and load the pictures through Twitter. Don't forget to tweet about it.

Let's make this a huge event for the whole wide world. Everybody is welcome to be a part it.

Don't forget to spread the word about this special day.

-lu yin-