Wednesday, September 16


Yeah~ Based on the title above, it's HOLIDAY~.

Time for the relaxation of 2 weeks semester break.

This Friday will be going back straight to PJ after pass up the 1st chapter of the thesis to my supervisor. Why? Cause I'm going off with my mom and aunt on a 1 week tour in GuiLin, China. Can't wait. Will be reading the journals while I'm there (in the night that is) for the 2nd chapter which is the literature review.

2nd week will be at PJ relaxing and working on the 2nd chapter. Please call me to hang out and yumchaing before I get myself bored. XD

Anyways, another post about the previous happenings coming soon.

For now, I want my mind to relax from all that exams. Lalala~

-lu yin-